Ministries of Canada
Dr. Garth Leno, President

Born in the heart of God.
During the fall of 2013 several people who felt uneasy about their church life gathered for Bible study and fellowship with Garth and Patty Leno in the family room of their home in Windsor, Ontario. It was not long before this small group grew too large for their home and we began meeting Saturday evenings at the Roseland Golf and Curling Club for simple worship, passionate prayer, and strong teaching straight from the Bible. We outgrew the first meeting room we rented. We rented a larger banquet / meeting room across the hall. More people kept coming, and on January 18, 2014 we announced to those assembled for worship that we plan to take the next step to form a new church in Windsor-Essex, and everyone cheered!
We believe that planting churches is one way to fulfill the Great Commission. Working with like minded believers, we hope to make many more disciples who make disciples and plant churches.